Glory Ministries
Showing 13-14 of 14 results
The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. They were written by the disciples of Jesus and those closely associated with them. The word Gospel means...
6 Lessons

New Testament
The first four books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. They were written by the disciples of Jesus and those closely associated with them. The word Gospel means...
6 Lessons
The English word ‘Culture’ is derived from the Latin term ‘cult or cultus’ meaning tilling, or cultivating or refining and worship. In sum it means cultivating and refining a thing...
68 Lessons

Indian Culture And Context
The English word ‘Culture’ is derived from the Latin term ‘cult or cultus’ meaning tilling, or cultivating or refining and worship. In sum it means cultivating and refining a thing...
68 Lessons
Course Categories
- Abundant Grace Services (6)
- Advent (10)
- Affection and Compassion for All (13)
- Agape Foundation (6)
- Agape Mental Health And Research Institute (6)
- Agape Ministries India (7)
- Alpha Charitable Trust (6)
- Alphadia Life Transformation Foundation (6)
- Anderson Memorial Trust (6)
- Apostolic Christian Assembly Jeypore Ministry (6)
- Ashish Welfare Society (6)
- Asia Theological Association, India (6)
- Assam Baptist Convention (6)
- Assembly of God Development Society (6)
- Assembly of God of East India (7)